Category: Notebook

Meet Sanky

Sanky is from the Democratic Republic of Congo and has been living in the Dzaleka Refugee camp in Malawi for over 10 years. He received his diploma (45 credits) from Regis University, where he focused on social work. Sanky is planning on shifting his studies from social work over to business once he starts his

Higher Education and the Economic Integration of Refugees

The global refugee crisis is complex and requires concerted political, economic, social, and legal action in order to be addressed effectively. Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is pioneering an innovative program to deliver more than a high-quality university education to some of the world’s most disadvantaged learners. Our refugee education programs enable refugees around the

Dispelling Myths About Refugees

While the majority of our work over the next two years focuses on educating refugees outside of the U.S., our project is inextricably linked to the political climate in the US. This is especially true given the many referendums involving resettlement coming directly from the White House. This leads to further discussion about refugees at

Meet Eugenie

Eugenie seized the opportunity to show her talents at when SNHU opened the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Meet Sadiki

Sadiki was accepted in the first cohort of students when SNHU opened the campus in Kiziba Refugee Camp.