Sanky is from the Democratic Republic of Congo and has been living in the Dzaleka Refugee camp in Malawi for over 10 years. He received his diploma (45 credits) from Regis University, where he focused on social work. Sanky is planning on shifting his studies from social work over to business once he starts his degree at SNHU. He plans to use his skills from his degree to continue to help others in the camp.
Sanky has been extremely engaged and acted as a leader during the March 2018 SNHU orientation in Dzaleka camp. He brings a lot of energy and asks deep questions during sessions. His high energy helps the group keep a positive vibe throughout the day.
During orientation, Sanky has shared he’d like to secure more technological equipment to achieve his goals in the near future. Ten years from now, Sanky would like to be the CEO of his own company and hopes his degree will help him acquire the necessary management skills.
Throughout SNHU orientation, Sanky has demonstrated enthusiasm and been an exemplary community member through his participation and willingness to help others. His energy and dedication to moving his own life forward as well as those around him have made him stand out in SNHU’s Dzaleka camp launch and orientation!